Special Offer: Take 50% Off Your First Month

Go Behind-The-Scenes And See

How I Get Social Media Algorithms

To Actively Find Me New Customers...

...so I don't chase MEANINGLESS views or risk burnout from churning out content that falls flat.

Get a weekly drop of done-for-you video ideas and captions that are perfect for

business – so that you can finally turn views into leads, customers, and sales.

Get a weekly drop of done-for-you video ideas and captions that are perfect for business – so that you can finally turn views into leads, customers, and sales.

Become a member of On Video Today for just $29 $14.50*

*Pay just $14.50 this month, and then $29 each month after that for as long as you stay a member of On Video. Cancel anytime.

It seems like everrrrry social media platform is demanding more and more video – meaning more time, energy and creativity – and business owners are feeling absolutely zapped.

And yet, the data is undeniable:

Think about that.

How many times a day do you use Google? TikTok is becoming just as much of a household name.

But many business owners still think of TikTok as:

  • A social network that’s just for teens and not professionals
  • A major nuisance where you must dance for views
  • An entertainment-only app where paying customers are non-existent

As a result, the majority of marketers

still have NO PLANS to do anything on TikTok.

(Hint: this is actually a major opportunity for you. Half

of your competitors aren’t even thinking about TikTok… yet.)

We can’t talk about TikTok without covering the other major player in this arena: Instagram Reels.

In a few short years, Instagram has completely transformed into an app with a bullseye focus on video.

Or more specifically, a “focus on Reels.” (That quote is directly from “Z” man, himself.)

With all this change, you’ve probably noticed some negative side effects like:

  • Your followers not seeing your content
  • Your reach dropping (like our collective desire for more Zoom calls)
  • The cursed “shadow-banning” where your post isn’t seen anywhere on the app except for on your profile

It seems like everrrrry social media platform is demanding more and more video – meaning more time, energy and creativity – and business owners are feeling absolutely zapped.

And yet, the data is undeniable:

Think about that.

How many times a day do you use Google? TikTok is becoming just as much of a household name.

But many business owners

still think of TikTok as:

  • A social network that’s just for teens and not professionals
  • A major nuisance where you must dance for views
  • An entertainment-only app where paying customers are non-existent

As a result, the majority of marketers still have NO PLANS to do anything on TikTok.

(Hint: this is actually a major opportunity for you. Half of your competitors aren’t even thinking about TikTok… yet.)

We can’t talk about TikTok without covering the other major player in this arena: Instagram Reels.

In a few short years, Instagram has completely transformed into an app with a bullseye focus on video.

Or more specifically, a “focus on Reels.” (That quote is directly from “Z” man, himself.)

With all this change, you’ve probably noticed some negative side effects like:

  • Your followers not seeing your content
  • Your reach dropping (like our collective desire for more Zoom calls)
  • The cursed “shadow-banning” where your post isn’t seen anywhere on the app except for on your profile

All this can make you feel invisible, like – what’s the point?

But the truth is, these changes bring about a major opportunity for you too…

All this can make you feel invisible, like – what’s the point?

But the truth is, these changes bring about a major opportunity for you too…


That’s right. The TikTok and Instagram algorithms are going out of their way to find you new eyeballs for your video content.

Why? Because the more time people spend watching your videos, the more time they spend on their app (which is their ultimate goal).

(This is why profiles have experienced viral growth in the last 2 years like never before.)

The reason your current followers aren’t seeing your content as much is because the algorithms are actually testing it on the For You page (over on TikTok) and the Explore page (hello, IG)… where it’s mostly being shown in front of NEW people.


That’s right. The TikTok and Instagram algorithms are going out of their way to find you new eyeballs for your video content.

Why? Because the more time people spend watching your videos, the more time they spend on their app (which is their ultimate goal).

(This is why profiles have experienced viral growth in the last 2 years like never before.)

The reason your current followers aren’t seeing your content as much is because the algorithms are actually testing it on the For You page (over on TikTok) and the Explore page (hello, IG)… where it’s mostly being shown in front of NEW people.

The Bottom Line:

the algorithm's focus is all. on. video.

But if the idea of creating more video in your already busy days gives you heart palpitations…

Or if your mind goes blank on how to adapt trends to be relevant to your business…

Or if your days don’t allow for 3+ hours dedicated to video creation every day…

You might be tempted to

ignore video altogether.

The Bottom Line:

the algorithm's focus is all. on. video.

But if the idea of creating more video in your already busy days gives you heart palpitations…

Or if your mind goes blank on how to adapt trends to be relevant to your business…

Or if your days don’t allow for 3+ hours dedicated to video creation every day…

You might be tempted to ignore video altogether.

In fact, that was my first reaction to TikTok in 2019 when I first saw the dances and trends.

I almost let the teens have the app until one day, I filmed a YouTube video to record my first experience on the TikTok app.

I posted one video (with zero direction or strategy) to a brand new TikTok account and the next day?

That one silly video had 492 views.

In fact, that was my first reaction to TikTok in 2019 when I first saw the dances and trends.

I almost let the teens have the app until one day, I filmed a YouTube video to record my first experience on the TikTok app.

I posted one video (with zero direction or strategy) to a brand new TikTok account and the next day?

That one silly video had 492 views.

Without knowing it, I had just experienced

a platform that was actively finding me followers.


Since stumbling upon this discovery, I’ve seen:

Viral Views

My Instagram views alone have surpassed 7,500,000 and counting.

Organic Sales

Customers buy my paid offers everyday just from Instagram (to the tune of about $100,000 each year – without ad spend, all organic).

Business Success

Over 30,000 small business owners have worked with me to embrace video in their business (and saved themselves hours of time each week in the process).

Without knowing it, I had just experienced

a platform that was actively finding me followers.

All I had to do was create video content! <ding ding ding>

Since stumbling upon this discovery, I’ve seen:

Viral Views

My Instagram views alone have surpassed 7,500,000 and counting.

Organic Sales

Customers buy my paid offers everyday just from Instagram (to the tune of about $100,000 each year – without ad spend, all organic).

Business Success

Over 30,000 small business owners have worked with me to embrace video in their business (and saved themselves hours of time each week in the process).

As Seen On:

Since my discovery, I’ve experimented with short-form video and found the perfect mix of what works. Because the key to all of this isn’t just making any ol’ video…

But the thing is? These trends change all. the. time.

And the type of short-form video that works for business changes all the time, too.

The solution for a busy business owner or marketer?

Since my discovery, I’ve experimented with short-form video and found the perfect mix of what works. Because the key to all of this isn’t just making any ol’ video…

You need a mix of trending styles that are adapted to your niche *and* evergreen video topics that never go out of style.

But the thing is?

These trends change all. the. time.

And the type of short-form video that works for business changes all the time, too.

The solution for a busy business owner or marketer?

You need FRESH batches of trending video ideas that are adapted to your business model (because you’re not here to become a TikTok influencer, right?) – to increase your video views within your niche – all to get more leads and customers (fo’ free).

This 👆 is the formula, my friend...

And now, instead of you having to do all this searching and strategy on your own, for the first time ever…

I’m taking you behind the curtain and sharing access to the exact process AND the exact videos that work for all businesses, including yours.

This 👆 is the formula, my friend...

And now, instead of you having to do all this searching and strategy on your own, for the first time ever…

I’m taking you behind the curtain and sharing access to the exact process AND the exact videos that work for all businesses, including yours.

On Video is a membership for businesses that provides a weekly content drop of short-form video ideas and caption templates – so that your views turn into leads and sales without dancing, scrolling for hours, or getting burned out from content creation.

On Video is a membership for businesses that provides a weekly content drop of short-form video ideas and caption templates – so that your views turn into leads and sales without dancing, scrolling for hours, or getting burned out from content creation.

Perfect for marketers, solopreneurs, agencies, and business owners of ANY niche that sells Coaching, Services or Products.

Perfect for marketers, solopreneurs, agencies, and business owners of ANY niche that sells Coaching, Services or Products.

Every week, you’ll receive 5 short-form video ideas AND 5 caption templates for your TikTok, Reels, Shorts and Idea Pins that have already been adapted to your business model – whether that’s Coaching, Services or Products (physical or digital).

With On Video, you’ll create videos that will:

  • Connect with your ideal followers in a way that suits your personality – whether that’s on or off camera
  • Drive steady traffic to your offers and business, even months after posting
  • Actively find your ideal customers FOR you. Thank you algorithms!

And yes… your customers

ARE on TikTok and Reels.

(And no, you don’t have to dance to reach them.)

I don’t have one video that’s bringing in sales, but rather Every. Single. One. My husband and I went through the data last night and without a doubt, it points to the reels we’ve been creating!!!


STEAM Educator

I’ve sold 3 of these wreaths!

I posted this on Facebook and got several orders.

Order #4 just came in for Mother’s Day!


Wreath Maker

I made $15,482 in revenue this month so far... And I cannot keep up with my DMs at the moment...I love video now — I'm finally being myself and talking about my services in a way that's resonating.



Every week, you’ll receive 5 short-form video ideas (paired with caption templates) for your TikTok, Reels, Shorts and Idea Pins that have already been adapted to your business model – whether that’s Coaching, Services or Products (physical or digital).

With On Video, you’ll create videos that will:

  • Connect with your ideal followers in a way that suits your personality – whether that’s on or off camera
  • Drive steady traffic to your offers and business, even months after posting
  • Actively find your ideal customers FOR you. Thank you algorithms!

And yes… your customers ARE on TikTok and Reels.

(And no, you don’t have to dance to reach them.)

I don’t have one video that’s bringing in sales, but rather Every. Single. One. My husband and I went through the data last night and without a doubt, it points to the reels we’ve been creating!!!


STEAM Educator

I’ve sold 3 of these wreaths!

I posted this on Facebook and got several orders. Order #4 just came in for Mother’s Day!


Wreath Maker

I made $15,482 in revenue this month so far... And I cannot keep up with my DMs at the moment...I love video now — I'm finally being myself and talking about my services in a way that's resonating.



As a member of On Video today, you’ll:

Save Hours Each Week

With weekly done-for-you ideas and caption templates that have already been adapted to your business model, you’ll no longer spend time scrolling or brainstorming.

Plan & Execute Like a Pro

If content planning and systems aren’t your strength, you’ll get my entire video creation process that’s powerful whether you’re a solopreneur or have a team.

Make videos that work for you

Whether it’s a trend, a talking head video, or an evergreen tip, your short videos will generate views for days, weeks or even months after posting.

As a member of On Video today, you’ll:

Save Hours Each Week

With weekly done-for-you ideas and caption templates that have already been adapted to your business model, you’ll no longer spend time scrolling or brainstorming.

Plan & Execute Like a Pro

If content planning and systems aren’t your strength, you’ll get my entire video creation process that’s powerful whether you’re a solopreneur or have a team.

Make videos that work for you

Whether it’s a trend, a talking head video, or an evergreen tip, your short videos will generate views for days, weeks or even months after posting.

Here’s everything you get inside

5 Short-Form Video Ideas Adapted

To Business, Delivered Weekly

Each idea comes with:

  • A breakdown of what the concept or trend is
  • A guide on how you can adapt the concept to your Coaching, Services or Product-based business
  • Any links you need to recreate the trend for your business
  • Example videos so you can see what the overall concept looks like

And all ideas come delivered to you in a way that you’ll actually use, including:

  • Email format (so that you can read your weekly email and start creating right away)
  • Portal access (so that you can sign into your private portal anytime and access up to 3 months' worth of ideas)
  • Calendar format (so you can schedule the ideas directly into your calendar tool of choice)
  • Asana format (so that you can import the weekly ideas into your Instagram Production project in Asana)

5 Caption Templates Paired With

Each Video Idea, Delivered Weekly

While your short-form video gets the views, your caption is what drives the engagement, leads and keeps people on your post longer (and hint: the algorithm loves this).

Each video idea comes paired with a caption template that’s written specifically to increase your visibility, engagement, leads or sales.

This is what you call a major timesaver with ROI to boot!

A Done-For-You Instagram

Production Board For Asana

Installed in your free Asana account in just seconds, you’ll import my entire system of how my team and I create Instagram content on a consistent basis – with ease. (If you’re new to Asana as a project management tool, don’t worry – I’ll walk you through it.)

You’ll get access to my exact workflow, processes and checklists that keep my content production organized and efficient.

Plus, this same system can be replicated for all your content arms (as we do to keep our 7-figure business churning).

Here’s everything

you get inside

5 Short-Form Video Ideas Adapted To Business, Delivered Weekly

Each idea comes with:

  • A breakdown of what the concept or trend is
  • A guide on how you can adapt the concept to your Coaching, Services or Product-based business
  • Any links you need to recreate the trend for your business
  • Example videos so you can see what the overall concept looks like

And all ideas come delivered to you in a way that you’ll actually use, including:

  • Email format (so that you can read your weekly email and start creating right away)
  • Portal access (so that you can sign into your private portal anytime and access up to 3 months' worth of ideas)
  • Calendar format (so you can schedule the ideas directly into your calendar tool of choice)
  • Asana format (so that you can import the weekly ideas into your Instagram Production project in Asana)

5 Caption Templates Paired With Each Video Idea, Delivered Weekly

While your short-form video gets the views, your caption is what drives the engagement, leads and keeps people on your post longer (and hint: the algorithm loves this).

Each video idea comes paired with a caption template that’s written specifically to increase your visibility, engagement, leads or sales.

This is what you call a major timesaver with ROI to boot!

A Done-For-You Instagram

Production Board For Asana

Installed in your free Asana account in just seconds, you’ll import my entire system of how my team and I create Instagram content on a consistent basis – with ease. (If you’re new to Asana as a project management tool, don’t worry – I’ll walk you through it.)

You’ll get access to my exact workflow, processes and checklists that keep my content production organized and efficient.

Plus, this same system can be replicated for all your content arms (as we do to keep our 7-figure business churning).

Plus! These Bonuses Are Yours Right When You Join

Plus! These Bonuses Are Yours Right When You Join

Bonus Unlocked At



Private Community With A Dedicated Videos Coach

Tell all your friends! When On Video reaches 250 founding members by April 8th, all members will unlock access to a private community group so you can get the help you need along the way as you grow.

The community group also comes with a dedicated Videos Coach who will provide all the As to your Qs.

Need help adapting an idea to your unique niche? Having trouble editing that TikTok? Is Instagram being glitchy again?

Your Videos Coach is just a post away!

Bonus Unlocked At



60 Snappy Caption Templates

For Reels & TikTok

Because captions for Reels and TikTok are different from regular captions for posts, at 500 members, you’ll unlock an entire bank of 60 caption templates to make your posting process even faster.

You’ll receive 30 caption templates for Reels and 30 copy-and-paste caption ideas for TikTok.

Saving you time?

Check, check, check!

Bonus Unlocked At



Live Workshop With Elise On How To 4X The Reach Of Just One Video

Ooh you’ll like this! When On Video reaches 750 founding members by April 8th, all members will receive access to an upcoming live workshop taught by me, Elise, where I’ll share how you can make one short video once and repost it to four different platforms – maximizing your chances of views and virality.

(And no, you won’t be penalized by the algorithms by using the same video. I’ll show you how to avoid this.)

This live workshop unlocks at 750 members and will happen April 20th.

Bonus Unlocked At



A 30-Day Launch Calendar

For TikTok And Reels

I’m sharing all my secrets here! When we reach 1,000 founding members by April 8th, all members will unlock access to a 30-day launch content calendar where I’ll show you exactly what kind of short videos to post in your pre-launch phase, your launch phase, and your post-launch phase.

Sharing examples from my feed and others, in this content calendar, I break down what objective each video needs to achieve and how to use the views to generate more leads and sales back to your launch.

Follow what works… and the sales will follow!

Bonus Unlocked At



Private Community With A Dedicated Videos Coach

Tell all your friends! When On Video reaches 250 founding members by April 8th, all members will unlock access to a private community group so you can get the help you need along the way as you grow.

The community group also comes with a dedicated Videos Coach who will provide all the As to your Qs.

Need help adapting an idea to your unique niche? Having trouble editing that TikTok? Is Instagram being glitchy again?

Your Videos Coach is just a post away!

Bonus Unlocked At



60 Snappy Caption Templates

For Reels & TikTok

Because captions for Reels and TikTok are different from regular captions for posts, at 500 members, you’ll unlock an entire bank of 60 caption templates to make your posting process even faster.

You’ll receive 30 caption templates for Reels and 30 copy-and-paste caption ideas for TikTok.

Saving you time?

Check, check, check!

Bonus Unlocked At



Live Workshop With Elise On How To 4X The Reach Of Just One Video

Ooh you’ll like this! When On Video reaches 750 founding members by April 8th, all members will receive access to an upcoming live workshop taught by me, Elise, where I’ll share how you can make one short video once and repost it to four different platforms – maximizing your chances of views and virality.

(And no, you won’t be penalized by the algorithms by using the same video. I’ll show you how to avoid this.)

This live workshop unlocks at 750 members and will happen April 20th.

Bonus Unlocked At



A 30-Day Launch Calendar

For TikTok And Reels

I’m sharing all my secrets here! When we reach 1,000 founding members by April 8th, all members will unlock access to a 30-day launch content calendar where I’ll show you exactly what kind of short videos to post in your pre-launch phase, your launch phase, and your post-launch phase.

Sharing examples from my feed and others, in this content calendar, I break down what objective each video needs to achieve and how to use the views to generate more leads and sales back to your launch.

Follow what works… and the sales will follow!

Bonus Unlocked At



Private Community With A Dedicated Videos Coach

Tell all your friends! When On Video reaches 250 founding members by April 8th, all members will unlock access to a private community group so you can get the help you need along the way as you grow.

The community group also comes with a dedicated Videos Coach who will provide all the As to your Qs.

Need help adapting an idea to your unique niche? Having trouble editing that TikTok? Is Instagram being glitchy again?

Your Videos Coach is just a post away!

Bonus Unlocked At



60 Snappy Caption Templates

For Reels & TikTok

Because captions for Reels and TikTok are different from regular captions for posts, at 500 members, you’ll unlock an entire bank of 60 caption templates to make your posting process even faster.

You’ll receive 30 caption templates for Reels and 30 copy-and-paste caption ideas for TikTok.

Saving you time?

Check, check, check!

Bonus Unlocked At



Live Workshop With Elise On How To 4X The Reach Of Just One Video

Ooh you’ll like this! When On Video reaches 750 founding members by April 8th, all members will receive access to an upcoming live workshop taught by me, Elise, where I’ll share how you can make one short video once and repost it to four different platforms – maximizing your chances of views and virality.

(And no, you won’t be penalized by the algorithms by using the same video. I’ll show you how to avoid this.)

This live workshop unlocks at 750 members and will happen April 20th.

Bonus Unlocked At



A 30-Day Launch Calendar

For TikTok And Reels

I’m sharing all my secrets here! When we reach 1,000 founding members by April 8th, all members will unlock access to a 30-day launch content calendar where I’ll show you exactly what kind of short videos to post in your pre-launch phase, your launch phase, and your post-launch phase.

Sharing examples from my feed and others, in this content calendar, I break down what objective each video needs to achieve and how to use the views to generate more leads and sales back to your launch.

Follow what works… and the sales will follow!

Bonus Unlocked At



Private Community With A Dedicated Videos Coach

Tell all your friends! When On Video reaches 250 founding members by April 8th, all members will unlock access to a private community group so you can get the help you need along the way as you grow.

The community group also comes with a dedicated Videos Coach who will provide all the As to your Qs.

Need help adapting an idea to your unique niche? Having trouble editing that TikTok? Is Instagram being glitchy again?

Your Videos Coach is just a post away!

Bonus Unlocked At



60 Snappy Caption Templates

For Reels & TikTok

Because captions for Reels and TikTok are different from regular captions for posts, at 500 members, you’ll unlock an entire bank of 60 caption templates to make your posting process even faster.

You’ll receive 30 caption templates for Reels and 30 copy-and-paste caption ideas for TikTok.

Saving you time?

Check, check, check!

Bonus Unlocked At



Live Workshop With Elise On How To 4X The Reach Of Just One Video

Ooh you’ll like this! When On Video reaches 750 founding members by April 8th, all members will receive access to an upcoming live workshop taught by me, Elise, where I’ll share how you can make one short video once and repost it to four different platforms – maximizing your chances of views and virality.

(And no, you won’t be penalized by the algorithms by using the same video. I’ll show you how to avoid this.)

This live workshop unlocks at 750 members and will happen April 20th.

Bonus Unlocked At



A 30-Day Launch Calendar

For TikTok And Reels

I’m sharing all my secrets here! When we reach 1,000 founding members by April 8th, all members will unlock access to a 30-day launch content calendar where I’ll show you exactly what kind of short videos to post in your pre-launch phase, your launch phase, and your post-launch phase.

Sharing examples from my feed and others, in this content calendar, I break down what objective each video needs to achieve and how to use the views to generate more leads and sales back to your launch.

Follow what works… and the sales will follow!

Community + Coach

As a member of On Video, you'll unlock access to a private community group so you can get the video help you need along the way as you grow.

The community group also comes with a dedicated Videos Coach who will provide all the answers to your questions.

Need help adapting an idea to your unique niche? Having trouble editing that TikTok? Is Instagram being glitchy again?

Your Videos Coach is just a post away!

60 Caption Templates

Ooh this bonus saves you So. Much. Time.

Because captions for Reels and TikTok are different from regular captions for posts, with this bonus you'll unlock an entire bank of 60 caption templates to make your posting process even faster.

You’ll receive 30 caption templates for Reels and another 30 captions for TikTok.

Saving you time?

Check, check, check!

4X The Reach Of Just 1 Video

Do you like getting a massive bang for your buck?

What about the idea of making just one 10-second video and 4X-ing its reach across multiple platforms?

Join On Video today and receive instant access to a workshop where you'll see the full process on how to create one short video once – and repost it to four different platforms... maximizing your chances of views and virality.

(And no, you won’t be penalized by the algorithms by using the same video. I’ll show you exactly how to avoid this.)

60-Day Launch Calendar

As a member of On Video, gain access to a 60-day launch content calendar where I’ll show you exactly what kind of short videos to post in your pre-launch phase, your launch phase, and your post-launch phase.

In this spreadsheet-based content calendar, I break down what objective each video needs to achieve (along with an example video) and how to use the views to generate more leads and sales back to your launch.

(Plus, don't forget about the example for every single video.)

Follow what works… and the sales will follow!

Bonus Unlocked At



Private Community With A Dedicated Videos Coach

Tell all your friends! When On Video reaches 250 founding members by April 8th, all members will unlock access to a private community group so you can get the help you need along the way as you grow.

The community group also comes with a dedicated Videos Coach who will provide all the As to your Qs.

Need help adapting an idea to your unique niche? Having trouble editing that TikTok? Is Instagram being glitchy again?

Your Videos Coach is just a post away!

Bonus Unlocked At



60 Snappy Caption Templates For Reels & TikTok

Because captions for Reels and TikTok are different from regular captions for posts, at 500 members, you’ll unlock an entire bank of 60 caption templates to make your posting process even faster.

You’ll receive 30 caption templates for Reels and 30 copy-and-paste caption ideas for TikTok.

Saving you time?

Check, check, check!

Bonus Unlocked At



Live Workshop With Elise On How To 4X The Reach Of Just One Video

Ooh you’ll like this! When On Video reaches 750 founding members by April 8th, all members will receive access to an upcoming live workshop taught by me, Elise, where I’ll share how you can make one short video once and repost it to four different platforms – maximizing your chances of views and virality.

(And no, you won’t be penalized by the algorithms by using the same video. I’ll show you how to avoid this.)

This live workshop unlocks at 750 members and will happen April 20th.

Bonus Unlocked At



A 30-Day Launch Calendar For TikTok And Reels

I’m sharing all my secrets here! When we reach 1,000 founding members by April 8th, all members will unlock access to a 30-day launch content calendar where I’ll show you exactly what kind of short videos to post in your pre-launch phase, your launch phase, and your post-launch phase.

Sharing examples from my feed and others, in this content calendar, I break down what objective each video needs to achieve and how to use the views to generate more leads and sales back to your launch.

Follow what works… and the sales will follow!

Bonus Unlocked At



Private Community With A Dedicated Videos Coach

Tell all your friends! When On Video reaches 250 founding members by April 8th, all members will unlock access to a private community group so you can get the help you need along the way as you grow.

The community group also comes with a dedicated Videos Coach who will provide all the As to your Qs.

Need help adapting an idea to your unique niche? Having trouble editing that TikTok? Is Instagram being glitchy again?

Your Videos Coach is just a post away!

Bonus Unlocked At



60 Snappy Caption Templates For Reels & TikTok

Because captions for Reels and TikTok are different from regular captions for posts, at 500 members, you’ll unlock an entire bank of 60 caption templates to make your posting process even faster.

You’ll receive 30 caption templates for Reels and 30 copy-and-paste caption ideas for TikTok.

Saving you time?

Check, check, check!

Bonus Unlocked At



Live Workshop With Elise On How To 4X The Reach Of Just One Video

Ooh you’ll like this! When On Video reaches 750 founding members by April 8th, all members will receive access to an upcoming live workshop taught by me, Elise, where I’ll share how you can make one short video once and repost it to four different platforms – maximizing your chances of views and virality.

(And no, you won’t be penalized by the algorithms by using the same video. I’ll show you how to avoid this.)

This live workshop unlocks at 750 members and will happen April 20th.

Bonus Unlocked At



A 30-Day Launch Calendar For TikTok And Reels

I’m sharing all my secrets here! When we reach 1,000 founding members by April 8th, all members will unlock access to a 30-day launch content calendar where I’ll show you exactly what kind of short videos to post in your pre-launch phase, your launch phase, and your post-launch phase.

Sharing examples from my feed and others, in this content calendar, I break down what objective each video needs to achieve and how to use the views to generate more leads and sales back to your launch.

Follow what works… and the sales will follow!

Bonus Unlocked At



Private Community With A Dedicated Videos Coach

Tell all your friends! When On Video reaches 250 founding members by April 8th, all members will unlock access to a private community group so you can get the help you need along the way as you grow.

The community group also comes with a dedicated Videos Coach who will provide all the As to your Qs.

Need help adapting an idea to your unique niche? Having trouble editing that TikTok? Is Instagram being glitchy again?

Your Videos Coach is just a post away!

Bonus Unlocked At



60 Snappy Caption Templates For Reels & TikTok

Because captions for Reels and TikTok are different from regular captions for posts, at 500 members, you’ll unlock an entire bank of 60 caption templates to make your posting process even faster.

You’ll receive 30 caption templates for Reels and 30 copy-and-paste caption ideas for TikTok.

Saving you time?

Check, check, check!

Bonus Unlocked At



Live Workshop With Elise On How To 4X The Reach Of Just One Video

Ooh you’ll like this! When On Video reaches 750 founding members by April 8th, all members will receive access to an upcoming live workshop taught by me, Elise, where I’ll share how you can make one short video once and repost it to four different platforms – maximizing your chances of views and virality.

(And no, you won’t be penalized by the algorithms by using the same video. I’ll show you how to avoid this.)

This live workshop unlocks at 750 members and will happen April 20th.

Bonus Unlocked At



A 30-Day Launch Calendar For TikTok And Reels

I’m sharing all my secrets here! When we reach 1,000 founding members by April 8th, all members will unlock access to a 30-day launch content calendar where I’ll show you exactly what kind of short videos to post in your pre-launch phase, your launch phase, and your post-launch phase.

Sharing examples from my feed and others, in this content calendar, I break down what objective each video needs to achieve and how to use the views to generate more leads and sales back to your launch.

Follow what works… and the sales will follow!

Bonus Unlocked At



Private Community With A Dedicated Videos Coach

Tell all your friends! When On Video reaches 250 founding members by April 8th, all members will unlock access to a private community group so you can get the help you need along the way as you grow.

The community group also comes with a dedicated Videos Coach who will provide all the As to your Qs.

Need help adapting an idea to your unique niche? Having trouble editing that TikTok? Is Instagram being glitchy again?

Your Videos Coach is just a post away!

Bonus Unlocked At



60 Snappy Caption Templates For Reels & TikTok

Because captions for Reels and TikTok are different from regular captions for posts, at 500 members, you’ll unlock an entire bank of 60 caption templates to make your posting process even faster.

You’ll receive 30 caption templates for Reels and 30 copy-and-paste caption ideas for TikTok.

Saving you time?

Check, check, check!

Bonus Unlocked At



Live Workshop With Elise On How To 4X The Reach Of Just One Video

Ooh you’ll like this! When On Video reaches 750 founding members by April 8th, all members will receive access to an upcoming live workshop taught by me, Elise, where I’ll share how you can make one short video once and repost it to four different platforms – maximizing your chances of views and virality.

(And no, you won’t be penalized by the algorithms by using the same video. I’ll show you how to avoid this.)

This live workshop unlocks at 750 members and will happen April 20th.

Bonus Unlocked At



A 30-Day Launch Calendar For TikTok And Reels

I’m sharing all my secrets here! When we reach 1,000 founding members by April 8th, all members will unlock access to a 30-day launch content calendar where I’ll show you exactly what kind of short videos to post in your pre-launch phase, your launch phase, and your post-launch phase.

Sharing examples from my feed and others, in this content calendar, I break down what objective each video needs to achieve and how to use the views to generate more leads and sales back to your launch.

Follow what works… and the sales will follow!

Community + Coach

As a member of On Video, you'll unlock access to a private community group so you can get the video help you need along the way as you grow.

The community group also comes with a dedicated Videos Coach who will provide all the answers to your questions.

Need help adapting an idea to your unique niche?

Having trouble editing that TikTok?

Is Instagram being glitchy again?

Your Videos Coach is just a post away!

60 Caption Templates

Ooh this bonus saves you So. Much. Time.

Because captions for Reels and TikTok are different from regular captions for posts, with this bonus you'll unlock an entire bank of 60 caption templates to make your posting process even faster.

You’ll receive 30 caption templates for Reels and another 30 captions for TikTok.

Saving you time?

Check, check, check!

4X The Reach Of Just 1 Video

Do you like getting a massive bang for your buck?

What about the idea of making just one 10-second video and 4X-ing its reach across multiple platforms?

Join On Video today and receive instant access to a workshop where you'll see the full process on how to create one short video once – and repost it to four different platforms... maximizing your chances of views and virality.

(And no, you won’t be penalized by the algorithms by using the same video. I’ll show you exactly how to avoid this.)

60-Day Launch Calendar

As a member of On Video, gain access to a 60-day launch content calendar where I’ll show you exactly what kind of short videos to post in your pre-launch phase, your launch phase, and your post-launch phase.

In this spreadsheet-based content calendar, I break down what objective each video needs to achieve (along with an example video) and how to use the views to generate more leads and sales back to your launch.

(Plus, don't forget about the example for every single video.)

Follow what works… and the sales will follow!


Get On Video For As Little As $0.79 Cents A Day

Whether You’re A Business Or Agency, Choose The Option Below That Suits You Best

Businesses On Video

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)

  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)

  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)

  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)

  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)

  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)

  • BONUS: 30-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)

  • BONUS: 10 Faceless Video Templates (value $197)

  • BONUS: 20 Opening Line Hooks (value $197)

  • BONUS: Video Monetization Secrets (value $197)

  • BF BONUS: A Mini Microphone (value $27)

  • BF BONUS: Elise’s Eyes On Your Video (value $197)

  • BF BONUS: Q1 Planning Workshop Ticket (value $197)

  • BF BONUS: The On Video Summit Ticket (value $297)

Total Value: $2,467

Regular PRice: $348/year

Save $58 When You Join Today!


Lock In This Price For As Long As You're A Member

Agencies On Video

Choose this so you can use the ideas for your clients!

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)

  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)

  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)

  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)

  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)

  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)

  • BONUS: 30-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)

  • BONUS: 10 Faceless Video Templates (value $197)

  • BONUS: 20 Opening Line Hooks (value $197)

  • BONUS: Video Monetization Secrets (value $197)

  • BF BONUS: A Mini Microphone (value $27)

  • BF BONUS: Elise’s Eyes On Your Video (value $197)

  • BF BONUS: Q1 Planning Workshop Ticket (value $197)

  • BF BONUS: The On Video Summit Ticket (value $297)

  • AGENCIES: Use The Video Ideas For Your Clients (value $997)

Total Value: $3,464

Regular PRice: $1,188/year

Save $198 When You Join Today!


(and use the ideas for your CLIENTS)

Lock In This Agency Price For As Long As You're A Member


Get On Video For As Little As $0.95 Cents A Day

Choose The Option Below That Suits You Best

Businesses On Video

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)
  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)
  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)
  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)
  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)

Total Value: $1,579

Get Started Today for Just


*Pay just $14.50 this month, and then $29 each month after that for as long as you stay a member of On Video. Cancel anytime.

Agencies On Video

Choose this so you can use the ideas for your clients!

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)
  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)
  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)
  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)
  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)
  • AGENCIES: Use The Ideas For Your Clients (value $997)

Total Value: $2,576

Get Started Today for Just


*Pay just $49.50 this month, and then $99 each month after that for as long as you stay a member of On Video. Cancel anytime.

Take An Insider's Look At On Video

What People are Saying


Get On Video For As Little As $0.79 Cents A Day

Whether You’re A Business Or Agency, Choose The Option That Suits You Best

Businesses On Video

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)

  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)

  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)

  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)

  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)

  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)

  • BONUS: 30-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)

  • BONUS: 10 Faceless Video Templates (value $197)

  • BONUS: 20 Opening Line Hooks (value $197)

  • BONUS: Video Monetization Secrets (value $197)

  • BF BONUS: A Mini Microphone (value $27)

  • BF BONUS: Elise’s Eyes On Your Video (value $197)

  • BF BONUS: Q1 Planning Workshop Ticket (value $197)

  • BF BONUS: The On Video Summit Ticket (value $297)

Total Value: $2,467


Save $58


Lock In This Price For As Long As You're A Member

Agencies On Video

Choose this so you can use the ideas for your clients!

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)

  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)

  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)

  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)

  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)

  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)

  • BONUS: 30-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)

  • BONUS: 10 Faceless Video Templates (value $197)

  • BONUS: 20 Opening Line Hooks (value $197)

  • BONUS: Video Monetization Secrets (value $197)

  • BF BONUS: A Mini Microphone (value $27)

  • BF BONUS: Elise’s Eyes On Your Video (value $197)

  • BF BONUS: Q1 Planning Workshop Ticket (value $197)

  • BF BONUS: The On Video Summit Ticket (value $297)

  • AGENCIES: Use The Ideas For Your Clients (value $997)

Total Value: $3,464

REGULAR PRICE: $1,188/Year

Save $198!


And use the ideas for your CLIENTS

Lock In This Agency Price For As Long As You're A Member

Take An Insider's Look At On Video


Get On Video For As Little As $0.95 Cents A Day

Choose The Option That Suits You Best

Businesses On Video

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)
  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)
  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)
  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)
  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)

Total Value: $1,579

Get Started Today for Just


*Pay just $14.50 this month, and then $29 each month after that for as long as you stay a member of On Video. Cancel anytime.

Agencies On Video

Choose this so you can use the ideas for your clients!

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)
  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)
  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)
  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)
  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)
  • AGENCIES: Use The Ideas For Your Clients (value $997)

Total Value: $2,576

Get Started Today for Just


*Pay just $49.50 this month, and then $99 each month after that for as long as you stay a member of On Video. Cancel anytime.

What People Are Saying

Join Today For Just $29 $14.50 (Take 50% Off)

TRY YOUR FIRST MONTH AT 50% OFF. Cancel anytime!

On Video is a special offer and the price can go up at anytime.

Once you join today, you lock in your monthly or yearly price FOR LIFE.

Plus, you don’t want to miss this incredible opportunity to jump on short-form videos and the dramatic organic growth they can give your business – and save yourself SO much time in the process.

Join On Video today and if it’s not for you, cancel your membership anytime. No problemo!

Join Today For Just $29 $14.50 (Take 50% Off)


On Video is a special offer and the price can go up at anytime.

Once you join today, you lock in your monthly or yearly price FOR LIFE.

Plus, you don’t want to miss this incredible opportunity to jump on short-form videos and the dramatic organic growth they can give your business – and save yourself SO much time in the process.

Join On Video today and if it’s not for you, cancel your membership anytime. No problemo!


Get On Video For As Little As $0.95 Cents A Day

Choose The Option Below That Suits You Best

Businesses On Video

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)
  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)
  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)
  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)
  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)

Total Value: $1,579

Get Started Today for Just


*Pay just $14.50 this month, and then $29 each month after that for as long as you stay a member of On Video. Cancel anytime.

Agencies On Video

Choose this so you can use the ideas for your clients!

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)
  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)
  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)
  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)
  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)
  • AGENCIES: Use The Ideas For Your Clients (value $997)

Total Value: $2,576

Get Started Today for Just


*Pay just $49.50 this month, and then $99 each month after that for as long as you stay a member of On Video. Cancel anytime.

Here’s What Happens Next To Join On Video

You’ll choose the tier that's best for you – whether that’s the business tier or agency owner tier.

On the checkout form, you’ll choose whether you want the monthly or yearly option. (Hint: you save the most money by choosing yearly.)

Once you fill in your card details and complete the checkout form, you’ll receive a welcome email from the On Video Team, giving you access to your private portal that’s already pre-populated with ideas you can use today.

Next, you’ll receive an affiliate link that you can share with your audience to earn 30% recurring commissions on every member who you invite to On Video. (This means that if you invite just 4 other Business members, your membership will basically be free!)

As a brand new member of On Video, you'll have access to the entire library of video ideas that you can use for your business today, and you'll be set up to receive the next drop of ideas that hits your inbox every Wednesday.

Here’s What Happens Next To Join On Video

You’ll choose the tier that best for you – whether that’s the business tier or agency owner tier.

On the checkout form, you’ll choose whether you want the monthly or yearly option. (Hint: you save the most money by choosing yearly.)

Once you fill in your card details and check out, you’ll receive a welcome email from the On Video Team, giving you access to your private portal that’s already pre-populate with ideas you can use today.

Next, you’ll receive an affiliate link that you can share with your audience to earn 30% recurring commissions on every member who you invite to On Video. (This means that if you invite just 4 other Business members, your membership will basically be free!)

As a brand new member of On Video, you'll have access to the entire library of video ideas that you can use for your business today, and you'll be set up to receive the next drop of ideas that hits your inbox every Wednesday.

Woke up to 4K views and 160 new followers this morning 🙏. Update! I just posted a second TikTok and in two days, it has gathered 11K views, 2K likes and 200 more followers. 🤯🤩


Author & Speaker

I had a video go somewhat viral on Friday and I went from 3,300 to 18,400 followers and growing in a week! And it's been viewed 375K times. Your Vault has been so helpful!!!


Weight Loss Coach


Get On Video For As Little As $0.95 Cents A Day

Choose The Option That Suits You Best

Businesses On Video

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)
  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)
  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)
  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)
  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)

Total Value: $1,579

Get Started Today for Just


*Pay just $14.50 this month, and then $29 each month after that for as long as you stay a member of On Video. Cancel anytime.

Agencies On Video

Choose this so you can use the ideas for your clients!

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)
  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)
  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)
  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)
  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)
  • AGENCIES: Use The Ideas For Your Clients (value $997)

Total Value: $2,576

Get Started Today for Just


*Pay just $49.50 this month, and then $99 each month after that for as long as you stay a member of On Video. Cancel anytime.

Woke up to 4K views and 160 new followers this morning 🙏. Update! I just posted a second TikTok and in two days, it has gathered 11K views, 2K likes and 200 more followers. 🤯🤩


Author & Speaker

I had a video go somewhat viral on Friday and I went from 3,300 to 18,400 followers and growing in a week! And it's been viewed 375K times. Your Vault has been so helpful!!!


Weight Loss Coach

Let the Algorithms Do What They’re Programmed to Do and Find Customers For You!

All you need to do is create the right kind of videos. But the time is now.


Get On Video For As Little As $0.95 Cents A Day

Choose The Option Below That Suits You Best


Get On Video For As Little As $0.95 Cents A Day

Choose The Option Below That Suits You Best

Let the Algorithms Do What They’re Programmed to Do and Find Customers For You!

All you need to do is create the right kind of videos. But the time is now.

I know you probably think that video is annoying, but do you see what you’re missing out on by NOT doing it?

  • Free traffic from the world’s most popular site, TikTok
  • Getting in front of 2 billion+ people (the number of monthly users on both TikTok & IG)
  • The average TikTok user spends 52 minutes a day in the app
  • The average Instagram user spends 53 minutes a day
  • Algorithms that will find your followers for you – IF you’re on video
  • Attention. From. Your. Ideal. Customers. (Cha-ching)

And The Best Part Of All?

You Don’t Need Virality To Get Customers.

In fact, you might not want to “go viral” because who

needs random attention just for vanity metrics? (Not me.)

To leverage these video algorithms, all you really need is to go "mini viral" in your small niche. That’s it.

Going “mini viral” in front of your target followers is all you need in order to get leads and sales from your social video content.

This is why I never delete my videos that are so-called “flops.”

Because I know they’re being seen by the right people.

Plus, the algorithm can pick the video up long after posting… taking it from 1K views to 100K to even 1M views… weeks or even months after posting.


Get On Video For As Little As $0.95 Cents A Day

Choose The Option Below That Suits You Best

Businesses On Video

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)
  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)
  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)
  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)
  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)

Total Value: $1,579

Get Started Today for Just


*Pay just $14.50 this month, and then $29 each month after that for as long as you stay a member of On Video. Cancel anytime.

Agencies On Video

Choose this so you can use the ideas for your clients!

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)
  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)
  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)
  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)
  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)
  • AGENCIES: Use The Ideas For Your Clients (value $997)

Total Value: $2,576

Get Started Today for Just


*Pay just $49.50 this month, and then $99 each month after that for as long as you stay a member of On Video. Cancel anytime.

I know you probably think that video is annoying, but do you see what you’re missing out on by NOT doing it?

  • Free traffic from the world’s most popular site, TikTok
  • Getting in front of 2 billion+ people (the number of monthly users on both TikTok & IG)
  • The average TikTok user spends 52 minutes a day in the app
  • The average Instagram user spends 53 minutes a day
  • Algorithms that will find your followers for you – IF you’re on video
  • Attention. From. Your. Ideal. Customers. (Cha-ching)

And The Best Part Of All?

You Don’t Need Virality To Get Customers.

In fact, you might not want to “go viral” because who needs random attention just for vanity metrics? (Not me.)

To leverage these video algorithms, all you really need is to go "mini viral" in your small niche. That’s it.

Going “mini viral” in front of your target followers is all you need in order to get leads and sales from your social video content.

This is why I never delete my videos that are so-called “flops.”

Because I know they’re being seen by the right people.

Plus, the algorithm can pick the video up long after posting… taking it from 1K views to 100K to even 1M views… weeks or even months after posting.


Get On Video For As Little As $0.95 Cents A Day

Choose The Option That Suits You Best

Businesses On Video

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)
  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)
  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)
  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)
  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)

Total Value: $1,579

Get Started Today for Just


*Pay just $14.50 this month, and then $29 each month after that for as long as you stay a member of On Video. Cancel anytime.

Agencies On Video

Choose this so you can use the ideas for your clients!

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)
  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)
  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)
  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)
  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)
  • AGENCIES: Use The Ideas For Your Clients (value $997)

Total Value: $2,576

Get Started Today for Just


*Pay just $49.50 this month, and then $99 each month after that for as long as you stay a member of On Video. Cancel anytime.

Here’s What On Video IS and ISN’T

What on video is:

A Weekly Drop Of Video Ideas

  • A membership that gives you fresh short-form video ideas every week
  • Created for those who sell Services, Coaching or Products (digital or physical)
  • A major timesaver as you’ll no longer need to scroll for ideas or stare at a blinking cursor
  • Your go-to source for what’s working today across all short-form video platforms
  • A small investment in your biz that can pay off in a big way

What on video isn't:

An Outdated Course

  • A self-study course with 800 hours of video content to go through (erm, no thanks)
  • For non-business people who only want to get paid by TikTok or Instagram as a Creator
  • Focused on creating high-end videos with complicated transitions or dance moves
  • Only trendy video ideas (these are fun, but there’s more to our video strategy)
  • A drain on your bank account ;)

Here’s What On Video IS and ISN’T

What on video is:

A Weekly Drop Of Video Ideas

  • A membership that gives you fresh short-form video ideas every week
  • Created for those who sell Services, Coaching or Products (digital or physical)
  • A major timesaver as you’ll no longer need to scroll for ideas or stare at a blinking cursor
  • Your go-to source for what’s working today across all short-form video platforms
  • A small investment in your biz that can pay off in a big way

What on video isn't:

An Outdated Course

  • A self-study course with 800 hours of video content to go through (erm, no thanks)
  • For non-business people who only want to get paid by TikTok or Instagram as a Creator
  • Focused on creating high-end videos with complicated transitions or dance moves
  • Only trendy video ideas (these are fun, but there’s more to our video strategy)
  • A drain on your bank account ;)

More Questions? I’ve Got Answers!

+"I’ve already bought Videos Vault. How is this different?"
+ "How much time is required to make TikToks or Reels?"
+ “Can I use the ideas for my clients? I’m an agency.”
+"How fast can I expect to see results for my business?"
+ "What if I’ve never used TikTok or Reels before?"
+ "Are the ideas specific to any industry?"
+ "What if I can’t commit to making 5 videos each week?"
+"What kind of support do I get if I get stuck?"
+ “Is there an affiliate program for On Video?”
+ "What if I decide On Video isn’t for me?"

"I’ve already bought Videos Vault. How is this different?"

On Video is a membership (cancel whenever you’d like!) that delivers you fresh, on-trend ideas on a weekly basis, along with caption templates for each video. Videos Vault is a bank of 300 ideas that you can use for TikTok or Reels, but it’s not refreshed or updated weekly as On Video is.

"How much time is required to make TikToks or Reels?"

In my experience, there is an initial learning curve as you get familiar with the app – like all social platforms. But after that, you can make videos in as little as 5 minutes a day OR batch your video creation once a week (as you’ll do with my Instagram Production System).

“Can I use the ideas for my clients? I’m an agency.”

YES! We created an Agencies On Video option just for that (and it even includes some additional bonuses if you enroll on the yearly plan).

"How fast can I expect to see results for my business?"

It all depends on how well your videos reach your target audience. Your very first video could reach your audience or it might take 10. But don't worry – with fresh ideas every week, as long as you keep posting, something will eventually hit.

"What if I’ve never used TikTok or Reels before?"

New to short-form video marketing? NO problem! While we don’t explicitly cover the how-tos of video creation in On Video, we have plenty of resources we can direct you to so that you’re fully up to speed.

"Are the ideas specific to any industry?"

The weekly ideas are *not* specific to any one industry or niche. The ideas are categorized by what you offer as a business: Services, Coaching or Products (physical or digital). You'll adapt the ideas to be specific to your particular niche. We’ll give you lots of examples too!

"What if I can’t commit to making 5 videos each week?"

No worries at all. There's no rule that says you must share 5 videos a week to see results. Even if you make 3 videos a week, you’ll still get 5 ideas and you’ll simply choose the best ones that you’d like to create. Optionality? Yes!

"What kind of support do I get if I get stuck?"

As a member of On Video, you'll unlock access to a private community group along with a dedicated Videos Coach who will provide all the answers to your questions. Need help adapting an idea to your unique niche? Having trouble editing that TikTok? Is Instagram being glitchy again? Your Videos Coach is just a post away!

“Is there an affiliate program for On Video?”

Yes! Once you sign up today as a member, you’ll receive a link to share On Video with your audience. For every member you invite, you’ll receive a 30% monthly recurring commission for as long as they stay a member of On Video.

"What if I decide On Video isn’t for me?"

You can cancel your monthly or yearly membership anytime. You’ll still receive the weekly content drops until you’ve reached the end of your billing cycle (whether that’s monthly or annual). Easy peasy!

On Video is a membership (cancel whenever you’d like!) that delivers you fresh, on-trend ideas on a weekly basis, along with caption templates for each video. Videos Vault is a bank of 300 ideas that you can use for TikTok or Reels, but it’s not refreshed or updated weekly as On Video is.

You May Be Wondering…

Why Should I Trust Her?

I’ve worked with over 30,000 business owners like yourself from various industries (from real estate to fashion to dental to wedding officiants) for the past 9 years AND I make sure that your time is spent efficiently on social media (and profitably).

My superpower is breaking up the big picture into bite-sized, tangible steps. My trainings are short, sweet and to-the-point.

I’m an agency owner, a marketing consultant, and a trusted instructor of both Later and Teachable, where I’ve hosted workshops for their customers.

If Teachable (valued at $134+ MILLION dollars in 2018) trusts me to teach their customers…

And Later (a partner for Instagram) flies me to their studio in Vancouver so that I could film two workshops for their 1M+ customers…

From copywriters to plastic surgeons to Amazon shop owners to property mangers in France… if you’re ever wondering if I can truly help *your* unique business make money on social… the answer is a resounding YES. The question is: are you ready to take that next step?

My students say they work with me because I’m down-to-earth, transparent and genuine. Not to mention a bit cheeky and awkward at times.

But with me, what you see is what you get. I’ve been working for myself for 9 years+ as an entrepreneur (and nope, I didn’t have a rich boyfriend or rich parents) so I know what it’s like to start from scratch and make it happen.

You May Be Wondering…

Why Should I Trust Her?

I’ve worked with over 30,000 business owners like yourself from various industries (from real estate to fashion to dental to wedding officiants) for the past 9 years AND I make sure that your time is spent efficiently on social media (and profitably).

My superpower is breaking up the big picture into bite-sized, tangible steps. My trainings are short, sweet and to-the-point.

I’m an agency owner, a marketing consultant, and a trusted instructor of both Later and Teachable, where I’ve hosted workshops for their customers.

If Teachable (valued at $134+ MILLION dollars in 2018) trusts me to teach their customers…

And Later (a partner for Instagram) flies me to their studio in Vancouver so that I could film two workshops for their 1M+ customers…

From copywriters to plastic surgeons to Amazon shop owners to property mangers in France… if you’re ever wondering if I can truly help *your* unique business make money on social… the answer is a resounding YES. The question is: are you ready to take that next step?

My students say they work with me because I’m down-to-earth, transparent and genuine. Not to mention a bit cheeky and awkward at times.

But with me, what you see is what you get. I’ve been working for myself for 9 years+ as an entrepreneur (and nope, I didn’t have a rich boyfriend or rich parents) so I know what it’s like to start from scratch and make it happen.

Let’s Meet –

I’m Elise!

Hey there! My name is Elise Darma and I'm an educator for entrepreneurs and marketers who are ready to stop wasting time on social media and actually make money from it.

I'm known for my social media teaching, but what keeps people sticking around and even flying to Bali or Lisbon to meet up with me in real life? (True story.)

(Because we’ve all got better things to do than make content that results in nada.)

My favourite thing ever is seeing the lightbulb go off when you see that it IS possible – and then sharing in your glee when that first payment notification comes in, all from social media.

I’ve been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Brit + Co, Elite Daily, Teachable and Later for my social media marketing expertise.

And now I can’t wait to help you get on video.

Let’s Meet –

I’m Elise!

Hey there! My name is Elise Darma and I'm an educator for entrepreneurs and marketers who are ready to stop wasting time on social media and actually make money from it.

I'm known for my social media teaching, but what keeps people sticking around and even flying to Bali or Lisbon to meet up with me in real life? (True story.)

(Because we’ve all got better things to do than make content that results in nada.)

My favourite thing ever is seeing the lightbulb go off when you see that it IS possible – and then sharing in your glee when that first payment notification comes in, all from social media.

I’ve been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Brit + Co, Elite Daily, Teachable and Later for my social media marketing expertise.

And now I can’t wait to help you get on video.

This is one of my most favorite episodes. Elise has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Elite Daily, and The Everygirl. She knows her stuff when it comes to social media.

Amy Porterfield

Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast

In terms of Instagram experts, Elise is at the top of her game and truly understands the platform inside and out. We've worked with Elise on two separate workshops and they have been some of the best performing content we've produced all year.

Lizzie MacNeil

Partnerships at Later

Each time we've worked with Elise, she's gone above and beyond in her workshops by providing so much value to our audience. She is not just an expert in her field, but also has a gift for sharing that knowledge in an easy to understand, actionable way.

Jess Catorc

Partnerships at Teachable

Elise is an amazing Instagram expert and teacher. She's smart, articulate and very focused. That's why we keep asking her to present at our various events. If you need marketing wisdom from the best, look no further.

Michael Stelzner

Social Media Examiner

This is one of my most favorite episodes. Elise has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Elite Daily, and The Everygirl. She knows her stuff when it comes to social media.

Amy Porterfield

Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast

In terms of Instagram experts, Elise is at the top of her game and truly understands the platform inside and out. We've worked with Elise on two separate workshops and they have been some of the best performing content we've produced all year.

Lizzie MacNeil

Partnerships at Later

Each time we've worked with Elise, she's gone above and beyond in her workshops by providing so much value to our audience. She is not just an expert in her field but also has a gift for sharing that knowledge in an easy to understand, actionable way.

Jess Catorc

Partnerships at Later

Elise is an amazing Instagram expert and teacher. She's smart, articulate and very focused. That's why we keep asking her to present at our various events. If you need marketing wisdom from the best, look no further.

Michael Stelzner

Social Media Examiner

Here's the thing...

Now, More Than Ever, Algorithms Are Actively Putting Your Videos In Front Of Your Ideal Followers.

But the key to leveraging these video-hungry algorithms?

You gotta get on video – today. 😁

The good news?

It’s not too late to create just one video that turns into 100K views, 1K followers and 100 leads or sales.

As “Z man” says, focus on video because algorithms have changed to find your audience FOR YOU… all while your competition continues to snooze on video.

And the better news?

You don’t even have to go viral to see results.

All you need is to go “mini viral” in your small niche to see a return on your video efforts.

Hi Elise! I just wanted to let you know that I just grew my TikTok following from 0 to 23.5K followers in 1 week using your program.


Meditation Teacher

I started creating Reels using [Elise’s] training and ever since, I’ve been getting more customers to my digital doorstep, as well as made great connections with business referral partners. If you’re an introvert like me who loathes getting on the screen and rocks messy buns, you should totally buy this product. You’ll definitely make your initial investment back and then some!


Course Consultant

Here's the thing...

Now, More Than Ever, Algorithms Are Actively Putting Your Videos In Front Of Your Ideal Followers.

But the key to leveraging these video-hungry algorithms?

You gotta get on video – today. 😁

The good news?

It’s not too late to create just one video that turns into 100K views, 1K followers and 100 leads or sales.

As “Z man” says, focus on video because algorithms have changed to find your audience FOR YOU… all while your competition continues to snooze on video.

And the better news?

You don’t even have to go viral to see results.

All you need is to go “mini viral” in your small niche to see a return on your video efforts.

Hi Elise! I just wanted to let you know that I just grew my TikTok following from 0 to 23.5K followers in 1 week using your program.


Meditation Teacher

I started creating Reels using [Elise’s] training and ever since, I’ve been getting more customers to my digital doorstep, as well as made great connections with business referral partners. If you’re an introvert like me who loathes getting on the screen and rocks messy buns, you should totally buy this product. You’ll definitely make your initial investment back and then some!


Course Consultant

So, What's Stopping You From Getting On Video?

Starting at just $29/month (try your first month for just $14.50 – cancel anytime), On Video is designed to be as budget-friendly as possible so that you can get in today, and see results tomorrow.

Plus, you get instant access to all the juicy bonuses inside the program, including an experienced Videos Coach!

As all algorithms continue to prioritize video content, the time to leverage short-form video for your business is right now.

The truth is… yes, you don’t *have to* add videos to your business.

Your content strategy can stay the same, all while the data continues to show that all algorithms are prioritizing video like never before.

In the last 2 years, we’ve seen fast-paced growth in social accounts that hasn’t been seen since ye early days of Instagram.

If you missed the early boat on Instagram, today is your second chance.

But you gotta act today. Right now.

All algorithms are actively looking to show your videos to the right people.

You just need to get On Video.

So, What's Stopping You From Getting On Video Today?

Starting at just $29/month (try your first month for just $14.50 – cancel anytime), On Video is designed to be as budget-friendly as possible so that you can get in today, and see results tomorrow.

Plus, you get instant access to all the juicy bonuses inside the program, including an experienced Videos Coach!

As all algorithms continue to prioritize video content, the time to leverage short-form video for your business is right now.

The truth is… you don’t *have to* add videos to your business.

Your content strategy can stay the same, all while the data continues to show that all algorithms are prioritizing video like never before.

In the last 2 years, we’ve seen fast-paced growth in accounts that hasn’t been seen since ye early days of Instagram.

If you missed the early boat on Instagram, today is your second chance.

But you gotta act today. Right now.

All algorithms are actively looking to show your videos to the right people.

You just need to get On Video.


Get On Video For As Little As $0.95 Cents A Day

Choose The Option That Suits You Best

Businesses On Video

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)
  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)
  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)
  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)
  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)

Total Value: $1,579

Get Started Today for Just


*Pay just $14.50 this month, and then $29 each month after that for as long as you stay a member of On Video. Cancel anytime.

Agencies On Video

Choose this so you can use the ideas for your clients!

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)
  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)
  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)
  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)
  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)
  • AGENCIES: Use The Ideas For Your Clients (value $997)

Total Value: $2,576

Get Started Today for Just


*Pay just $49.50 this month, and then $99 each month after that for as long as you stay a member of On Video. Cancel anytime.


Get On Video For As Little As $0.95 Cents A Day

Choose The Option Below That Suits You Best

Businesses On Video

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)
  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)
  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)
  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)
  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)

Total Value: $1,579

Get Started Today for Just


*Pay just $14.50 this month, and then $29 each month after that for as long as you stay a member of On Video. Cancel anytime.

Agencies On Video

Choose this so you can use the ideas for your clients!

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)
  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)
  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)
  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)
  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)
  • AGENCIES: Use The Ideas For Your Clients (value $997)

Total Value: $2,576

Get Started Today for Just


*Pay just $49.50 this month, and then $99 each month after that for as long as you stay a member of On Video. Cancel anytime.



Copyright © • On Video • A Canupy Inc Brand • All Rights Reserved


Any earnings or income statements or examples shown through our website are only estimates of what might be possible now or in the future. There can be no assurance as to any particular financial outcome based on the use of our website. You agree that I am not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your personal or business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our website. You are solely responsible for your results.


I present testimonials and insights about other people’s experiences with my website for purposes of illustration only. The testimonials, examples, and photos used are of actual clients. They are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results; rather, these testimonials represent what is possible for illustrative purposes only.

Per Instagram rules, we must mention that this is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with Instagram, Inc. or Meta Platforms, Inc.